Unfortunately, the people your company interact with won’t always give you the benefit of the doubt. Often, they’ll make up their minds about the value of your business even before you had time to show your true colours through service delivery or product use.
This is why so many Aussie companies put aside the capital to invest in standardised workwear for their employees. Something like embroidered work shirts or a hat with your logo has the ability to communicate professionalism and could be what others judge you on.
First Impressions: What Do Your Workers Reflect About Your Business?
Anyone your team interacts with will try and sum you up during the first few minutes. Your team member’s outfit could impact this point of view, since visual elements play a huge role in first impressions.
Imagine everyone on your team and you’re bound to realise some of them aren’t doing your brand a lot of good. Even if you don’t have an issue with how they dress at work, conservative role players in your industry may not be so forgiving. A frayed collar or someone’s tasteless outfit could instantly ruin a potentially good partnership or sales pitch.
It’s your choice whether you’ll try to administer some control in this area, in order to protect your brand.
Why Workwear is a Smart Investment
The First Impression CAN Be Positive
We’ve already mentioned how clothing plays a role in how people perceive you and your team. By having a set of approved workwear items in each person’s cupboard, it’s much easier for them to dress appropriately and not offend with their outfits or seem disheveled and unprofessional.
Pair this with some training on proper interactions with anyone from clients to suppliers, and you’ll be a memorable brand for all the right reasons!

Get Your Brand Known Around Town
One of the best reasons to consider embroidered shirts and other forms of standardised clothing is that it serves as an advertisement. As your employees move around town, whether they’re visiting clients or simply going to the store on their way home, people will see the company details you added to their outfits.
Over time, the public will become more familiar with your brand and you’re visually confirming that you’re there to stay. This can result in more trust in you as a company, more loyalty and more clients.
Give Your Customers Peace of Mind
Even after a first interaction with someone from your team, your customers will stay cautious for a while to see if you can be trusted. Professional looking workwear can be confirmation that you maintain a certain standard throughout your company.
Instant Team Spirit
Your impact on your target audience also depends on the quality of work your employees deliver. Of course, there are various factors that impact this, but having a sense of unity among colleagues can go a long way in boosting office morale and even increasing productivity and efficiency.
Why? Because people love feeling part of something bigger than themselves. And yes, matching shirts can help create such a vibe in the office!
In the long run, this will benefit your customers and your bottom line, because your workers will deliver better work.
How to Implement Standardised Workwear
The thought of clothing your entire team with new clothes can be a little overwhelming. It does require some capital but remember all the benefits you will reap. Here are some tips to help manage the process:
- Discuss sharing the expenses with employees. They may be willing to pay part of it, as it will make their general clothing expenses much less than usual.
- Get feedback from employees about the colours and styles they would prefer. Make sure they’re positive about the process so they won’t mind spending on it and wearing the items.
- Cater for all seasons, so your stylish branded shirts don’t have to be covered by unsightly winter jackets during the cold months.
- Consider each person’s work environment and relevant safety guidelines. Some may need hi vis clothing while others need smart shirts for visiting important clients.
Final Thoughts
There’s a lot to keep in mind to make your company successful, but a lot of it relates to what your target audience thinks of you. From sales numbers to whether you’ll benefit from word of mouth, the general opinion of your company plays such an important role. Kickstart a boost in brand recognition and respect by issuing items like embroidered workwear.
A few months from now, you’ll see the difference it makes.