Write for Us

Need an article published on ZXQ? Do you have an article or content that is uniquely written and researched? Need to publish your work and need a place to host your articles? ZXQ is looking for original content and articles.

You can submit them to support@zxq.net and one of our support representatives will respond to you within 24 hours.

Articles should be provided in Microsoft Word format with a title page, body, conclusion (300 words). Articles must have bolded titles/headings and images where appropriate. In addition, no plagiarized material or information that has been published elsewhere will be accepted.

This means that all content must be original and written by the person submitting the article.

Once your article is accepted it will then go through our publishing process. This includes a quick spell-check by one of our support team members as well as a proofread before being approved to publish on ZXQ.com.